• 2018
  • Agence Adelfo Scaranello — MBAA 1

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  • 2018
  • Agence Adelfo Scaranello — MBAA 1

This publication presents the architectural project of Adelfo Scaranello for the Musée des beaux-arts et d’archéologie de Besançon, which reopened in 2018. “From the outset, says Scaranello, one thing was clear: the convictions with which the architects Pierre Marnotte (1797- 1882) and Louis Miquel (1913-1986) had worked successively on this construction had gradually disappeared. […] Restoring the integrity of these architectures within a new project is not about historising but is a way of transforming the links between these two figures.” This 1st volume shows the museum empty spaces, during the construction. Typeset in a modified version of GF Montserrat (OFL).
Photos by Nicolas Waltefaugle & Yohan Zerdoun. 56 p.

  • 2016
  • Tardy — Typeface

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  • 2016
  • Tardy — Typeface

Custom typeface for the Atelier d’architecture Tardy & associés, Besançon

  • 2005
  • Centre d'examen du permis de conduire

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  • 2005
  • Centre d'examen du permis de conduire

Sign for the new building of the Centre (architect : Philippe Donzé, Besançon). Some letters are replaced by real road signs, which reflect the light of car headlights. Photos © Nicolas Waltefaugle

  • 1 % artistique Ministère de l’Écologie, du Transport et du Logement
  • Alucobon, prismatic adhesive film
  • Courvoisier, Saône
  • Typeface: Garaje
  • signage architecture Besançon
  • 2010
  • Le mur de l’école

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  • 2010
  • Le mur de l’école

Besançon school of fine arts is based on a modernist building by Josep Luis Sert (1972). With Rainer Oldendorf and students, we defined a signage system composed in Garaje 0503 Monospace Black, used for the logotype I designed at the time. Letters were reproduced in 2 sizes, A4 and A6. Rainer Oldendorf and Gilles Picouet engraved litterally the concrete wall of the main entrance, to inscribe physically this 750-units grid on the building. The paper letters were directly stuck on the wall, to announce the events of the school, forming a continuous palimpsest.

  • 2020
  • Agence Adelfo Scaranello — MBAA 2

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  • 2020
  • Agence Adelfo Scaranello — MBAA 2

This publication presents the architectural project of Adelfo Scaranello for the Musée des beaux-arts et d’archéologie de Besançon, which reopened in 2018. “From the outset, says Scaranello, one thing was clear: the convictions with which the architects Pierre Marnotte (1797- 1882) and Louis Miquel (1913-1986) had worked successively on this construction had gradually disappeared. […] Restoring the integrity of these architectures within a new project is not about historising but is a way of transforming the links between these two figures.” This 2nd volume shows the scenography of the Museum. Typeset in a modified version of GF Montserrat (OFL).
Photos by Nicolas Waltefaugle & Yohan Zerdoun. 56 p.

  • 2019
  • La Fabrike

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  • 2019
  • La Fabrike

Visual identity and custom typeface for La Fabrike, architecture studio based in Besançon. In collaboration with Baptiste Plantin. Photos by Nicolas Waltefaugle, website by Thomas Bouville.