- 2018
Les Fantômes de Baskerville

- 2014
Automatic Type Design 1

- 2018
Rencontres du 3e Type
Talk given EESAB Lorient, on January 28, 2018. The lives and deaths of John Baskerville. With John Baskerville, Caron de Beaumarchais, Voltaire, Sarah Eaves, Claude Jacob, Berger- Levrault, and Zuzana Licko. ANRTABCD, Letter B
Curation and organisation of the ANRT conference Automatic Type Design. ARTEM Campus, Nancy (France), May 6, 2014. With Jacques André (FR), Johannes Bergerhausen (DE), Frederik Berlaen (BE), Erik Van Blokland (NL), Simon Egli (CH), Alice Savoie (FR), Richard Southall (UK)… Design and website by Thomas Bouville. Automatic Type Design
Curation and organisation of the 2nd edition of the Rencontres du IIIe Type in Nancy, Campus ARTEM, on Feb. 19-20, 2018. With Ruedi Baur (FR), Johannes Bergerhausen (DE), Christopher Burke (UK), Sébastien Dégeilh , Antonio Silveira Gomes (FR-PT), Marie Flesch , Colin M. Ford (USA), Pierre Fournier, Charles Gautier, Jochen Gerner, Jérémie Hornus, Gaetan Baehr, Julie Soudanne, Black[Foundry] (FR), Paul D.Hunt (USA), Luna Kindler (BE), Aline Melaet (BE), Gilles Palsky, Éloïsa Pérez (FR), Luciano Perondi (IT), Morgane Pierson, Arthur Francietta, Anne-Lyse Renon, Charlène Cassier, Magali Massiera, Frédéric Rouffet (FR), Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer (AU), Shivay la bruja (FR), Coline Sunier, Charles Mazé (FR), Daniel Utz (DE).
Design by Jochen Gerner and Thomas Huot-Marchand, website by Thomas Bouville. Rencontres du 3e Type